Ok i know cerita ni da lama dah keluar..saya pun da lama tgk dah..tp semalam tgk lagi ngn kawan saya so then ada satu line tu saya cam amazed lah en bub dea ada ckp..."handphones can kill bees, and after 4 years of the extinction of bees, men will die.." something like that..quoted from Albert Einstein...what?? i mean when you think of it macam xde kaitan je kan antara manusia ngn lebah..cm saya ni la...madu tu..xpena sentuh un..kecuali buat marinate barbecue je la...but then saya buka google la sbb bnda ni cam mengganggu fikiran je rasanya...and then lpas bce bru saya fhm..pendeknya akal saya..=.= asal lebah je madu, lebah je madu...lebah pun wat pendebungaan..for more info bce lah sendiri ye kat SINI .
Banyak gak arguements dea kat situ..ada yang cakap takkan la sebab takde pollination manusia mati?maybe sebab dorg ta suka makan sayur kot..thats why dorg cakap cmtu bub dorg fikir dorg makan animals je..but animals yang dorg makan tu makan apa? tumbuh-tumbuhan jugak kan...ok from what i read animals provide about three quarters of the staple crop plants that feeds humans...and from this three quarters,bees pollinate about 80% of the total...well guys..you be the judge kira lah sendiri yea...
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so what should we do?
bela la lebah and tak yah pakai handphone...(yeah right..you wish! XD)
kalau2 lah korang rasa theory ni salah and korang ada idea lebih bernas...share lah eh?nak tau juga...cheers :)
Ancient Wisdom~
Fall down seven times, get up eight.
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