Its been a while since I last updated my blog isn't it? Well I have nothing to write about actually. I've been through a phase of uncreative streak for a while..whatever that means :3
Okay, so I recently have been watching a lot of people vlogging. It's pretty cool actually. It takes a lot of guts to do it I'm sure because I know I can't ;D Well congrats to those who can actually do it (hurrah!)
but that doesn't mean that you should vlog without content or any kind of entertainment, humour, info anything you shouldn't vlog if your purpose is just to show your pretty face to the world, that..that is just stupid ;) Hey, that's just me okay. I don't know what others think about it and I don't really mind..(or care for that matter).
Aandd also, I've spent a lot of my time in nowadays. Yknow what I think? I think only 9gaggers are normal. Idk maybe they're not normal and I am one of the "not normal people" really..idk -___-"
I've noticed something recently...most people in the internet don't really mean what they say don't they? Here a some of the examples that crossed my mind :
"Thanks for adding, keep in touch ok? :)" - reality: send this and never replied messege right after this one. Y U NO KEEP IN TOUCH??
"LOL" - reality .
I'm sure LOL means laugh out loud..not laugh online is it?
"I'm soo ugly/ I'm not pretty or cute like all of you" - reality: please say I'm pretty, please say I'm prettyy !!!
"Ok, lah" - reality: WTF is that thing ! kill it with fire !! (okay maybe overreacted a bit)
"Hi, can we be friends?/ Boleh kita berkenalan?"
"Sure". - reality:

Funny ain't it. I must admit I do that too sometimes..(okay all the time) so that's all for now I guess. Get back to ya later..Cheers ;)
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