You can be the King or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the grim reaper

Friday, May 25, 2012

Can't Hold Baacckkk.....!

Hey HO Readers and Stalkers~
OMG seriously you guys...suddenly my rilakumma craze came back! And this time it got me until my desktop looks like this~

It's so CUTE, CUDDLY, and PINK!(not that I am crazy about pink or anything, please read this line while refering to the spongebob's alaskan bull worm episode) I'M PUKING RAINBOWS...

Even unicorns can't beat Rilakkuma's cuteness!

Like I've said before I effin' LOVE cute stuff!

Aaaannddd, for you guys who have the same craze as me, you can get this 'cuteness overload' craze at this cute site!Translate it to English if you have problems though because it's in Japanese ^^" <===========HERE

So that's all for today Cheerio~

live for today
because yesterdays are over
& tomorrows may never come.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

#1 8 Facts About Yourself

Soo...this is the second blogger challenge number 1!
and the question is the same as the previous challenge..but I'll do it anyways...

1- I am a good listener (no shit)

2- I have problems when talking to people that I just met

3- I am the jealous type

4- If things do not go my way I'll be discouraged easily

5- I am really attracted to cute things

6- I love to watch horror movies and read the creepypastas but afterwards I have to ask my sister to
acompany me to the toilet

7- I am really sensitive to romantic stuff (something that I am not proud of)

8- I think I am really easy to get along with just don't mess with me because I don't like messing pfft~

Friday, May 18, 2012

#14 2 Persons I Trust

Mr. Penyu and Cik Ain Fazrin whee~

Thursday, May 17, 2012

#13 3 Memories I Will Never Forget

1- The day that I got hot boiling water all over me when I was 7 it was that time that I got this hideous scar on my left arm.

2- This one time when I went for a holiday at Genting Highlands with my family

3- My 20th birthday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#12 4 Things I Hate/Dislike

1- People that you can't really call an enemy but treats you like one and call themselves your "friends"
2- Ignorant people
3- Bad hair day
4- hungry feeling

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

#11 5 Songs That Would Be in the "Soundtrack of my life"

Unbelievable -Craig David
Creating Love -4minutes
will you marry me -lee seung gi
Till the end -David Tan
Broken -Seconhand Serenade

this challenge is a hard one~

Monday, May 14, 2012

#10 6 Things That Cross My Mind a Lot

1- Money!money!Money!
2- Mr. Penyu..well he does not cross, he lingers..
3- Video games
4- My family
5- What I wanna do in the near future
6- What is my purpose in this world :pokerface:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

#9 7 Things I Want To Say To Seven Different People Right Now

1-I'm sorry that I can't afford to give you anything at this moment to
repay all that you have done for me all my life please pray for me so
that I could show you how thankful I am to you

2- I fucking hate you, you fag! Just go and kill yourself..good day :D

3- You should know by now that I have made my mind about OUR future so
please support me so that we can achieve what we always dreamed of.

4- You should just keep on going with your life and don't bother talking
to me I am afraid of you because of some things I could not explain so

5- I will give you guys everything that you want once I can afford it so
please wait a little ;)

6- Please don't make me feel all confused about things just go on and be
happy so I can be happy for you too :)

7- I love you as a friend please give me reasons to keep it that way in
the near future you better treat me as a friend too or you might end up
with me out of your life for ever :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

#8 8 Things That Annoy Me/I Hate

1- I hate everything thats overrated

2- I hate people who keeps on judging other people and say bad things to others just so that they can feel good about themselves.

3- Politics annoy me

4- I am annoyed with people I barely know or never talked to before who are constantly asking for my phone number

5- I hate racists

6- I hate crammed and crowded places

7- Shitty internet connection

8- I hate the stupidity that people always volunteering to show to the world

Friday, May 11, 2012

#7 9 Things I Wish For :D


1- My own penthouse
2- One Mercedez Mclaren SLR please
3- Fullfill my parents' wishes
4- Be happy no matter what happens
5- An Alienware laptop
6- My own movie theatre
7- A long beautiful silky hair that never goes all messy and stuff
8- A ferret
9- A healthy body even when I am old

I am the king of wishful thinking aren't I? :3

Thursday, May 10, 2012

#6 10 Things I Can`t Live Without :D

1- My phone
Its a nokia 5230 no iphones here sorry

2- Money
Hello, I love money

3- My laptop
Its an Asus K40AB series

4- My hair products
Hiasan semata-mata

5- Body products
Hiasan lagi

6- My plushies :3
Please ignore the background

7- Electricity
I can't live in the dark

8- water
Its just basic isn't it?

9- music
I enjoy music 

10- video games
Enuff said 

I love technology :D

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

#5 11 Fears/Phobias D:

Oops, missed a day ;D

1- Amphibians and reptiles...ewww!
2- Being alone in the dark
3- Going all out of money D:
4- Public humiliation
5- Having white hair o.o
6- Not having the chance to continue studying
7- Not getting a job
8- Lost any of my five senses
9- Losing my sanity when I am older
10- Talking to strangers
11- Not being able to use any technology (I forgot what's the word for it)

most of em are fear..I don't have that much phobias ;D

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

#4 12 Places I Want to Visit Before I Die :D

1- Makkah
Isn't it just magnificent?

2- Paris
Idk I just wanna go here :/

3- Rome
I sense Evil here >:D

4- Niagra Falls
Its purrty DD:

5- New York City
Big cities are gooood

6- Japan
What can I say? I love big cities

7- Lord of The Rings set in New Zealand
Imma be a hobbit :3

8- Seoul, Korea
Big city! (again)

9- The Palm, Dubai
Need I say more?

10- The great wall of China
I heard that you can see it from the moon..its epic!

11- Caribbean islands
Heaven on earth XD

12- Morocco ( I heard the food there is gooood)
Its all about the foood~

Monday, May 7, 2012

#3 13 Things I Am Going To Do In 2012 :D

I AM going to do it..I think

1- Lose weight! XD
2- Collect lots of money
3- Draw a complete comic
4- Go cosplaying
5- Study for a degree
6- Go on a vacation to anywhere!
7- Grow my hair long
8- Get my driving license
9- Go shopping for clothes and shoes
10- Bake a cake
11- Move to my new house
12- Get a present for Mr. Penyu
13- Start focusing on something? I guess

13 things are a lot don't you think?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

#2 14 Words That Describe the Relationship I Am In Right Now :D

1- Crazy!
2- Up and down up and down
3- Best thing that could happen to me
4- Future planning? I guess
5- Very hard because of the distance :'(
6- Happy moments
7- Its cute XD
8- Never boring that's for sure
9- I won't trade it for anything in the world
10- Blessed I guess because we found each other :D
11- good considering we are not fighting at this moment XD
12- He just never leave my head so I think you get it right?X3
13- Annoyingly sweet
14- I just love him no words can really describe it I guess :3

Saturday, May 5, 2012

#1 15 Facts About Me! :D

1- I love music
2- I cry a lot
3- I love pizza
4- I fart (fact! XD)
5- I can't dance (at all)
6- I don't like to fight with people ( I can't actually)
7- I am not at all feminine
8- My favourite flavours are lemon orange and vanilla
9- I get irritated easily
10- I hate everything thats overrated
11- I am terrified of amphibians and reptiles except crocodiles
12- I don't mind spending money for my family or friends if I have a lot ;D
13- I love money (MY money)
14- I love furry animals
15- I can't stand being in a crowded place

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Labour Day~

Welp, since semalam ialah labour day so some of my cousins come to batu pahat because kami ada plan something big, iaitu menguruskan ladang kelapa sawit kami. Can you believe it? Aku tanam kelapa sawit sendiri ? hahaha...memang best.

But before that, cousin2 aku semua datang pada hari ahad. Gladly ramai yang stay terus hingga hari selasa because tak ramai dah yang masih bersekolah..ada pun mereka ponteng saja cehhh... XD so since dah berkumpul ramai-ramai ni mesti la ada plan nak merambu..yang berkumpul pun semua cousin-cousin second string je sebab yang lebih tua semua tengah degree lagi so xdapat cuti huhu and so kami plan untuk menonton wayang. Kami nak tengok cerita The Avengers which is sooo awesome BTW XD

The thing is masa kitaorang pergi tengok wayang midnight masa tu kebetulan Najwa Latif pun nak tengok The Avengers kat Bp Mall jugak. Mula-mula tersempak dengan dia kat parking lot dengan mak and kakak dia. Cousin aku yang seorang ni punya lah minat kat Najwa so dia sempat ambil-ambil gambar semua..biasa la kan..but here's the catch..dia da banyak kali tersempak dengan Najwa but still excited setiap kali jumpa and to top that off adik cousin aku tu sendiri satu sekolah dengan Najwa so dia malu jugak la bila kakak dia camtu haha..dah minat nak wat cemana kann XD kebetulan lagi panggung pun sama dengan Najwa and naik lif nak balik pun satu lif dengan Najwa..cousin aku cakap tu destiny dia kahkahkah tak boleh belah betul XD
Yang aku pelik si Najwa tu siap pakai mask tutup mulut bagai..aku rasa kalau dia tak tutup pun tak ada orang nak serbu kot.
No offence though.

Aaanndd...panggung 7 kitaorang dapat masa tu. Full sangat! kitaorang dapat seat tepi kat belah depan..view memang sucks..tiba-tiba pekerja panggung tu datang kat kitaorang and bagitau kat panggung 6 pun siarkan cerita The Avengers and masih banyak tempat kosong so kalau nak seat yang lebih selesa boleh pindah ke sana. So kami pun bangun and pergi..tak pasal-pasal satu panggung boo kat kitaorang. Ada ke diorang ingat kitaorang salah panggung =.= aku rasa benggang jugak lah masa tu malu nak mati kot first time kena macam tu kan imagine jelah XD bila kami dah dalam panggung 6 ada lagi orang dari panggung 7 yang pindah ke situ so apa lagi kitaorang boo balik lah haha..

so then the next day kami berkebun.patutnya perempuan kat rumah masak lelaki pergi kebun dahulu tapi my mom and adik-beradik aku lah orang-orang first yang sampai kat kebun tu. Sebab kami tak larat nak angkat pokok tu untuk ditanam, my sisters and I jadi ambulance je kat situ. Kami pergi beli air sejuk and then hantar kat sesiapa je yang tengah kerja kat tengah ladang. Jadi ambulance pun letih kot sebab tempat tu bukannya kecil =.=

The best part is, khemah yang my uncle set up kan ada kat bahagian belakang kebun so orang-orang yang baru sampai tak boleh nak hantar makanan dari depan sebab jauh sangat. so kenalah drive pergi kat bahagian belakang tapi kat belakang tu ada cam sungai and tak ada jambatan jadi kami buat jambatan sendiri it was really fun XD mula-mula seram gak nak lalu sebab mereka just jatuhkan pokok across the sungai and pacakkan kayu kat tepi as pemegang. tapi aku lepas..last-last siap main lagi kat situ..tapi ramai jugak yang nangis masa nak cross tu kelakar tengok mereka tapi mereka fobia ketinggian so nak buat macam mana..

and then kami pun picnic kat situ. Cuaca best je hari tu mendung tapi tak hujan ada matahari tapi tak panas..Terasa dirahmati pula XD lepas semua siap makan kami sempat main-main kejap kat jambatan baru buat tu. one of my little cousin terjatuh dalam air masa main tu tapi tak dalam pun mandi lah dia huhu..tapi pastu kitaorang di panggil pergi ke tengah ladang sebabnya ialah kena baja setiap pokok kat situ..masing-masing baja bahagian sendiri..dah la luas..penuh semak pula..jalan pun tak memang penat sangat. sampai cousin aku yang team baja dengan aku hilang handphone dia..silap dia lah bawa handphone pergi
membaja..aku tolong cari sekali..lepas tu aku yang jumpa handphone tu..menangis-nangis dia haha handphone mahal tuuu...

dah siap semua hari pun dah nak senja so masing-masing balik and freshen up then malam tu buat doa selamat and makan besar.
It was the best labour day ever XD