You can be the King or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the grim reaper

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hey Its been Awhile, Not Much, How Bout You?

Hello readers and stalkers,

 Its been a while yeah? Now I am already in semester 5 which is my final semester here in UiTM Arau. Hah! It seems only yesterday that I came here worrying about how I would stay here so far away from my hometown. Next semester, aku kena practical pula. Maybe practical dekat hometown je. Saving!

Anyways, not much have been happening in my life these past few months. Only that I went to CNblue Blue Moon concert in KL! puhahahaa~ I really had a blast that day. It was my first time to go to a concert. I've been dying to go to a lot of concerts in my life since Westlife and Linkin Park pufft~ Right, and I am planning to go to more concerts in the future yay!(even if my parents did say that it is a waste of money)

Sorry, crappy pictures.

So, my result for last semester wasn't that bad but it's quite bad lol.

Hmm, what else...oh yeah last Saturday, I went to Alor Setar with my buds. We went for a movie. I wanted to watch kick-ass 2 since there are no other good movies showing but we ended up watching Vikingdom because of the show schedule. At first, I didn't know that Vikingdom was directed by KRU.

So, I was expecting a movie like Clash of the titans or LOTR or something y'know. Well, I end up falling asleep a few times while watching that movie.(the boring parts of the movie added with other factors like, we just had our lunch before the movie, and we were also quite tired after walking from the train station) Well, Tbh, the movie wasn't all bad. I personally think that its the best KRU production movie ever. But the movie is lacking something. Like the x-factor that keeps you on the edge of your seat, it doesn't have that. And to top it all of I feel that they should've pick a more good looking hero lol.

Overall, I'll give the movie a 4.5 /10. (the 0.5 is credit for their courage to do something different than other film producers in Malaysia, bravo)

Okay, I think i have wasted your time enough for today.Till next time, cheerio~

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Especially For YOU.Yeah, you.

Hello readers and stalkers,I am going through a rough patch right now and trying to be strong about it, so I looked up for some quotes to get me fired up again. Thought I could share them with you guys :)

Im feeling down. But, I'll get back up. As usual wink* ;)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cold Hard Facts (Face The Truth)


 Hey ho readers and stalkers,
Gday to everyone today aku rasa dah sampai masa untuk hapdet blog busuk aku ni...

Hari ni aku nak cakap pasal the truth about some really really RANDOM truth about anything! so please continue reading with patience and open up your mind~ MyEm0.Com

The biggest lie you tell to yourself is "I'll remember that". MyEm0.Com
(bila nak ingat something and tak jot down kat mana2..welp maybe this does not happen to certain people but I am convinced that most people have this problem)

When you are young you feel that the love you feel is really strong and you are convinced that it was real love and you think that he is "Mr. Right" and you two will be married and live happily ever after...
(after a few years you will realise, "why was I so stupid!" True story bro~) MyEm0.Com

When you insult someone and make fun of them, it does not make you more good looking..
(it just makes you look like a big, mean, JERK is all) MyEm0.Com

If you do not go after what you want then you will NEVER HAVE IT
If you do not ask, the answer will always be NO
If you do not step forward, you will always be IN THE SAME PLACE

Money cannot buy you happiness but somehow, it is better to cry in a Mercedez Benz than on a bicycle.

(Ain't it right?)

“If you really want something, work hard for it, God will acknowledge people who strive and try their best to reach their goals”.

(Selalu dengar ayat ni..Cam cliché kan? But it’s the truth guys…kita kena kuatkan diri menahan segala anasir-anasir jahat yang menghasut kita untuk capai apa yang kita nak.)

“You are what you think you are”.

(Pandangan kita pada diri sendiri adalah yang paling penting untuk membentuk diri kita, if kita rasa kita loser, loser la jadinya, if kita rasa kita hebat, hebat la jadinya. So, think positive thoughts about yourselves! Macam kat ntb seben tu cakap, “when you feel good, it shows.” 

Ohkay, so maybe ayat-ayat kat atas ni tak apply pada semua orang, sebab kadang-kadang ada yang bercinta time sekolah lagi tapi bertahan sampai ke anak cucu, ada jugak yang tak ada apa-apa harta tapi still happy sentiasa and ada juga yang tak usaha tapi ada lebih dari orang lain. Itu semua terletak di tangan Tuhan.  Semua yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya.

Macam kata-kata pujangga, (banyakla pujangga-.-) “Think before you throw” haha..
Beringat lah sebelum nak wat apa-apa tindakkan. Fikirkan baik buruknya perlakuan kita tu. Think ahead. It’s for your own good y’know.

Till next time,

peace out!

Saturday, March 30, 2013


hello reader, stalker and fellow friends,

I am here today to say that I, the owner of this blog is still alive and does not have an internet connection to continue writing frequently in this blog :D



Peace out! :DD